31 January 2003

OK, I think I'm satisfied with the weblog's basic layout now. Only incremental changes from now on. *knocks on wood*
Ashley leaves tomorrow morning for 5 weeks in Massasucksit, doing vet rotations at Tufts. I'll join her for a weekend starting on 7 Feb, but this weekend after I drop her off at the airport it's all about skiing. I'll be at the Calvin Breck house.
By the way, our main web site was updated recently with my latest photos from the last three months or so. Go have a look!
Right now I am working on a Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS) overview article for the Severe Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study (STEPS) field campaign, which occurred in eastern Colorado and western Kansas during May-July 2000. This is an interesting task, as it involves less writing on my part and more editing of what others have written. I think it's more difficult to be the editor in this process, as it requires a lot of thought to properly balance all the disparate topics that need to be addressed in an overview article.

28 January 2003

Go vist my Research Web Page. Or visit my wife's and my personal webpage.
Starting fresh!