08 August 2009

Well, I have resurrected this weblog and souped up its layout. One of the chief advantages of this is to bring my archives back from the dead. Most of the links are not rotted, so lots of older pictures and the like exist to be seen. However, I am still unsure what I am going to do with this place. With Twitter, Facebook, and my research site, do I really need to be dealing with a fourth weblog? I think not. But maybe it can become a repository for longer-form personal writing, the kind that doesn't fit elsewhere. An update a week or month, perhaps. Who knows? I think I will just have to let it evolve with me. No stress or expectations. Worst case, I keep a window open on my life from a few years ago.

07 August 2009

Can't forget the RoryCat!

Owen just chills on the couch. He is good at taking it easy.

The kids play in sort of an odd way ...
So, a good day today. Rory is doing better and I got only minor revisions for my sprites paper. Should be easy to bang out those changes by the end of this month. Rory needs one more shot of antibiotics tomorrow, and no puking today!
Or maybe this blog is not as defunct as previously thought.

02 August 2009

Haven't been here for a while. This blog is obviously defunct but you can continue following my exploits at my research site, my Twitter account, or my Facebook page. Cheers!